"The Muse Arrives"
is a conceptual intimacy with my Muse that calls me. It is a drive, a compulsion to find peace within the sounds of the acoustic world in which I have endured.
I am a classically trained musician and guitarist who evolved into a player attempting and at times successfully capturing the essence of the piece I spent time on. Because of my "Spanish Guitar Training", I have not shied away from trying to play into the massive repertoire of Spanish and Latin American Guitar. The dances and their rhythms have fascinated me since git go. With Agustin Mangore Barrios and Antonio Lauro among others I have had the fortune to explore and been able to play a few of their works. Among others.
Many moons ago I studied Music Theory and Composition at Florida State University and U of Tampa and have played ever since in some degree or another. I have performed at small venues, art galleries, restaurants, private hearings, and with friends engulfed. This majestic language of sound is so much more than commercial endeavors. It is a language all in and by itself. The mastery of sound and tone into communication even outside the human species has given many of us a gift of love from their Muse.